Monday 14 March 2011

Typography animation

For this project i have to create a animation made up from completely from text and audio.

The idea of this project is to try and portray what the character / speech is about without using pictures.

I've decided to use the opening scene form the film "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" (1998)
the scene where the character "Bacon" is trying to sell some stolen goods on a market street and uses cockney slang in order to bend the truth.

Here is a youtube link to the video of the scene I'm going to use

Monday 7 March 2011


Typography is essentially art through text, lots of different styles of typography have been made for example font style/ type faces all have to be designed by a graphics artist.

There are many kinds of typography art, for example artist have made pictures purely through nothing but white space and black text...

One of the best types of typography art that i know has to be the moving animation text, these usually have an audio track behind the animation talking through the word that are being shown on the screen, as they're appearing which gives a very professional effects and allows the viewer to understand the text a little better.

Here are some examples of Typography art:

And here is a link to a animated piece of typography: 

Also there are poems that use typography art to add emphasis to certain words within the poem... these are called Haiku poems and they usually consist of about 3 lines of text that have been digitally altered to form a more visually interesting picture, for example this is a poem made by myself: