Monday 7 February 2011

Advertising task

In this research task I'm going to looking at the properties of modern advertising and propaganda.

First I'm going to look at modern advertising compared to the older styles.

Advertising has come along way in the last say 50 years... we've gone from simply trying to sell the product as it is without trying to spice it up at all to having adverts that have no literal link the the item trying to be sold.

All advertisement is used to try and sell something or get a product/event across so people are informed of it's existence but today that is getting more and more complex, here are some examples of older adverts next to some newer ones and see if you can spot the difference.

It seems advertising has got boring now so for the makers to get their product to stick they have to come up with something funny or smart just to keep the product in your mind for example that advert for the knives; an advert like this would never have been dreamed of in previous society but it seems people are a lot more open and are harder to shock where as the main picture is about a man being killed on his bed... but it is in fact an advert for you to buy these knives.

Older forms of advertising have been drawn out so newer more unorthodox are taking to screens just to get the message across which shows a lot more tolerance in today's media. Here are some examples
Propaganda: The original use of propaganda was to get people to enlist to the wars that their governments would start... where as today there are still a few that have the same objective but however there's a new sort of anti propaganda where people have taken something and used it against the government, almost as if they were recruiting for a rebellion

This concludes my research on advertising and propaganda.

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