Tuesday 11 January 2011

This was a drawing i did in 2010 for a friend (Eeyor)

This was a drawing i did for a friend 2010 (Ironman)

This is the 2nd concept idea for the first boss (Gravemind) in my game
 2011; i'll use this in my poster

This was a medium size armor concept for my game 2011

This is another drawing for the main char in my game (This pic goes with the 2nd tank gravemind pic) for my game poster

This is the scenery idea for my game poster 2011

This is the concept idea for the Sidekick to the main char 2010

Both of these were pics i did for a friend (2010)
This is the 2nd logo idea for my game and poster 2011

This was the first idea for the first boss (Gravemind) in my game 2010

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